Design & Item Rarity

NFTs of real horses have a strong link to reality, as they have a real-world counterpart that generates points passively and also have their own existence in the fantasy game.

In the game, NFTs come with several features:

  • Appearance: Their look, which can be improved

  • Gear: Their items, which can be upgraded

  • Abilities: (in the future) Their skills, labeled as the Horse Score

Although an NFT is a digital twin of a real horse, it will not look the same. The NFT is a virtual representation, serving as the horse's avatar in the simulation. Their appearance was designed by renowned 3D artists, and we chose to represent them as figurines on pedestals, eager to move and race.

Each NFT was given a random appearance and gear, with various rarity levels, as detailed below. Items and abilities are currently stored in our database, but we intend to transfer some assets to the blockchain, especially items that can become NFTs themselves. This way, horse NFTs with their items would become what’s called a composable NFT.

Look & Gear Attributes

These attributes are published in the NFT metadata. Some have direct effects in the game (on the Horse Score).

Gear Level Variants

Elaborate gears will add points to your NFT Horse Score in hybrid and virtual races.

You will be able to upgrade or replace gears to improve your NFT, some may be temporary or breakable.


Gears come in different base color, they currently do not have any effect in the game.

Body Look

Mane & Horsetail colors

Body Material

Materials come in 4 different flavors: Common (7%), Classic (5%), Special (3.5%). And Mythical (1%).

We wanted to give our NFTs a good look, and invested quite a lot of time and energy into that. We hope you like them!

Last updated